photo of black cumin plant


(Nigella Sativa)
Derived from the seed, this magnificent  and versatile plant, has been long been coveted by Pharaohs and Queens and it has been said that Cleopatra herself never went a day without using this oil on her skin.

Black cumin is both  antibacterial and anti-inflammatory and has antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. it is loaded with vitamin B and  helps your skin retain moisture. It helps to reduce Acne, and keeps your skin elastic and relaxed.

Its an all around  superstar,  not to mention it has a very sexy name :) i love this oil!

photo of lavender plant


(Lavendula Agustifolia)
Lavender is sometimes referred to as the ‘Mother of all Oils’ for its incredible versatility and calming influence on the mind body and soul. Lavender is a natural antioxidant, and has anti-inflammatory and It nourishes, protects, soothes and calms the skin and is an excellent overall healer. I have so much respect for this giant. I use lavender in almost every oil i make. Standing ovation for this little miracle.

photo of flax seeds


Ahhhh, Omega Omega Omega…. This oil is rich in omega 3 fatty acids and helps to reduce inflammation. It naturally calms the skin and supports hydration and smoothness. It has been shown to help with atopic dermatitis, redness, swelling and itching. It's an excellent carrier oil . Definitely my wingman of choice for my signature oil ‘Nourish’

photo of wild rosehips


Both a natural anti inflammatory And a powerful antioxidant it contains both tocopherol and carotenoids two of the most potent antioxidants, that counter the aging process by evening out skin tones and smoothing the skin. A True master, Rose hips high levels of linoleic acid which protects the skins barrier and provides both smoothing and balancing properties.
Yes Please!!

photo of jojoba plant


I like to call Jojoba oil my ‘Gentle Giant’ for its ability to pack a punch in the gentlest of ways . Derived from the nut of the Jojoba plant, this oil is naturally rich in vitamin E which acts as an antioxidant to help your skin fight off everyday pollutants and irritants. Because Jojoba is a ‘humectant ingredient’, it creates a barrier that helps your skin retain moisture

photo of almonds


Ahhhhh Sweet Almond oil, how sweet thou art. This little super star is highly emollient and absorbs thoroughly and quickly into your skin. Its ability to smooth, retain moisture and replenish your skin with Vitamin E , essential fatty acids , minerals and anti oxidants is second to none. I love this oil for its ability to carry other oils and deliver the goods. Its the UBER of oils . Simple, fast, effective, reliable. Its a steady in my Arsenal .

photo of chamomile flowers


This mighty little fixer is supreme at soothing, relaxing and calming the skin while healing and regenerating . It naturally tightens you pores and reduces swelling , redness and puffiness and is a natural pain reliever. If that’s not enough, Roman Chamomile helps to relax you into a sounder sleep. An excellent choice, a winner all the way.

photo of calendula flowers


this gorgeous flower makes an oil that is a natural antiseptic , healing wounds, relieving rashes, and soothing eczema. Its natural and anti inflammatory abilities help prevent free radical damage to your skin cells and its soluble sterols ( vital to cell membrane structure) help to reduce the aging process. Calendula is a win win.

photo of sandalwood shavings


This is one of my all time favorite oils. If ‘Velvet’ had a smell it would be sandalwood. It is unsurpassed in its ability to soothe, heal, nourish and protect your skin all the while improving its elasticity, and maintaining the buoyancy and structure of your skins cells. It is known to improve skin tone and act as a natural wrinkle preventer. The oil of Queens. What more is there to say? Please Sir… I want some more’…

Let come what comes,let go what goes and see what remains what remains is contentment.
Contentment is happiness for no reason.
— Quote Source