

I think of Calm as the ’sister oil’ for nourish. I created CALM for those who experience skin challenges such as rosacea, eczema, acne, inflammation etc… It is anti-inflammatory, anti microbial, and is a natural anti oxidant packed with vitamin A and E and it absorbs extremely well into your skin making it a powerful moisturizer. Alone or partnered, CALM is divine .

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I think of Calm as the ’sister oil’ for nourish. I created CALM for those who experience skin challenges such as rosacea, eczema, acne, inflammation etc… It is anti-inflammatory, anti microbial, and is a natural anti oxidant packed with vitamin A and E and it absorbs extremely well into your skin making it a powerful moisturizer. Alone or partnered, CALM is divine .

I think of Calm as the ’sister oil’ for nourish. I created CALM for those who experience skin challenges such as rosacea, eczema, acne, inflammation etc… It is anti-inflammatory, anti microbial, and is a natural anti oxidant packed with vitamin A and E and it absorbs extremely well into your skin making it a powerful moisturizer. Alone or partnered, CALM is divine .

I love your oil. I have an allergy rash on my back. I’ve been adding a few drops of your oil to aloe vera gel. The mix soothes the itching and is calming the severity of the rash. Your oil is magic.
— Laura V.